Category Archives: Tales of the Dim Knight

The Emerald Avenger v. The Corruptibles, Part Sixteen

Continued from Part Fifteen

Zolgron cleared his throat. “Next on the list is Ross’s left arm, Jake Welch. To get him, you’ll need to send him an e-mail.”

Dave arched his eyebrows. “I’m going to terrorize him with threatening e-mails?”

“No, you’ll send him an attachment—us.”

The Emerald Avenger withdrew back to the real world and sat at his computer. He created a new free e-mail account and opened a new message window.

A miniature Zolgron appeared in the upper left corner of his screen. “Make the subject, ‘Earn $5,000 while you sleep!’”


“We want to get sent to his junk mail folder.”

The Emerald Avenger sighed and typed the subject. He entered the computer and stood on the blue and white background of the free e-mail service. The Avenging Eagle sat at the bottom of the compose mail page. The header loomed as large as the Hollywood sign. He joined Zolgron inside the Avenging Eagle. “Okay, now what?”

“Press the ‘Send’ button.”

“Where’s that?”

Zolgron pointed to the ignition, or rather at the big orange button labeled “SEND” where the ignition should be.

“Oh.” The Emerald Avenger pressed it. A large crane clutched the Eagle. He grabbed the wheel and made a hard left to try and shake free. No good, the crane sent them shooting through a vortex.

Zolgron laughed. “Relax. All will be well.”

At the end of the vortex, another crane grabbed the Avenging Eagle and dropped them into another black hole. They landed with a jolt on top of a pile of a giant’s junk mail.

Zolgron screamed, “Get out!”

“But it’s twenty messages straight down.”

“Another will arrive any second. Our position will be much more precarious.”

The Emerald Avenger jumped from the Avenging Eagle and landed on his feet next to the tall stack. Zolgron followed him down. A message with the header, “Help xrqv” landed on top of their message with an ear-splitting crunch. Metal and glass rained down.

Zolgron studied the headers on the spam list. The Emerald Avenger glanced over the list. Most of them asked if Welch wanted to cheat on his wife or otherwise insulted his manhood.

After a moment, the Emerald Avenger asked, “What are we looking for?”

Zolgron pointed up. “There! It’s in message fifteen.”

The Emerald Avenger and Zolgron climbed up to message fifteen and crawled through the open door inside the first “O” of, “Quick in your response.”

The Emerald Avenger cleared his throat and read the message. “‘My name is Obusi Markfarwi, the son of the late oil Minister of Nigeria.’ Hey! This is the Nigerian scam where the person sending the e-mail pretends to be a relative of a deposed African dignitary offering millions of dollars to whoever can help them come to the US.” The Emerald Avenger glanced at Zolgron. “What are we supposed to do with this?”

“What else? Reply to it.”

Continued Next Tuesday

Tales of the Dim Knight is available in Paperback form, in the Kindle Store�(on sale this week for $2.99), as well as on Smashwords in a variety of formats. At both sites, you can get extensive free excerpts on your computer, or sent directly to your Kindle device from the Kindle store.

Emerald Avenger v. The Corruptibles, Part Fifteen

Continued from Part Fourteen

The Emerald Avenger stood with Zolgron at Powerhouse’s waterfall. “Wilson and Gordon look sure to be found guilty of arson.”

Zolgron smiled. “Splendid. That should take them out of circulation for about five years and then ruin the rest of their lives.”

The Emerald Avenger sighed.

Zolgron frowned. “You’re not happy. I don’t understand. Everything went as planned.”

“I feel dirty inside, like I need a shower.”

A stream of water burst from the sky, soaking him. Dave glared. “I didn’t mean literally!”

The water stopped.

Dave wrung out his hair. “They’re not guilty of arson. We framed them.”

Zolgron rolled his eyes. “So? They are guilty of something worse—being an accessory to murder and taking a bribe. Do you have any doubt that they’re guilty of that?”


“Even if we were to share our information with prosecutors and we happened to get one who wasn’t corrupt, they couldn’t act on what we gave them because we got our information illegally and they have no probable cause to replicate our search legally.”

 The Emerald Avenger blinked. “What’s probable cause?”

“My mistake. You’ve spent your life watching Superman, not Law and Order. Just trust me. There was no way the law would get them for the crimes they committed. Therefore, we just helped justice along.”

“But with anything I do, I need to ask WWSD: What would Superman do? I can’t imagine Superman doing this.”

Zolgron sighed. “Superman is a poor role model with unrealistic high moral standards—or at least the version you’re thinking of did. The best philosophy with heroes is to find one who doesn’t challenge you much, preferably one your actions are better than. Personally, I think you need to ask, ‘WWPD?’”

Huh? “What would the police do?”

“No, what would the Punisher do?”

“But the Punisher would’ve shot them in the face or blown them up with hand grenades.”

“And you were merciful enough to just frame them for a crime they didn’t commit.”

“I’m not sure you’re right.”
            Zolgron thumped the Emerald Avenger on the back. “Trust me. You’ll feel better about yourself, and that’s the most important thing. Don’t think, ‘Spider-man wouldn’t approve of this.’ Think, ‘The Punisher and Darkman would have no problem with this.’”

Yeah, but do I really want to be like them? They’re kind of crazy.

Continued Next Tuesday

Tales of the Dim Knight is available in Paperback form, in the Kindle Store (on sale this week for $2.99), as well as on Smashwords in a variety of formats. At both sites, you can get extensive free excerpts on your computer, or sent directly to your Kindle device from the Kindle store.

The Emerald Avenger v. the Corruptibles, Part Fourteen

Continued from Part Thirteen

Wilson sat in an interrogation room. A large manila envelope lay on the puke green table.

Detective Granger of the State Police extended his hands, all friendly like. “Gentlemen, I would suggest a confession.”

Wilson folded his arms. “This is crazy!”

Granger shook his head. “You were in the vicinity at the time of the fire. We found the crowbar used to break through the door in Officer Gordon’s tool shed with traces of gasoline still on the crowbar. Officer Wilson, you listed an antique chest containing mint condition collectors items on your insurance claim, is that right?”

“Yeah.” What did that have to do with anything?

Granger picked the manila envelope up off the table. With his gloved hand, he withdrew a comic book and waved it at Wilson. “Batman, first issue, a classic. Found all of them in your primary residence’s attic, with traces of gasoline on the chest.”

Lightheadedness swept over Wilson.

Granger held out a pen. “Write a confession, and everything will go much smoother.”

For you. Wilson pushed it aside. “I’m confessing nothing.”

“Come on, it’s plain as day you did it.”

“I want an attorney!”

“If you insist. Back to your cell.”



Granger gathered his paperwork for the Lincoln County prosecutor. Good thing Lincoln County would handle this. He didn’t know who to trust with the Seattle people.

His short partner entered. “Hey, Granger.”

“Hi, Sturges. You know what was funny about those guys? I almost believe them. Judging their reactions, I’d have sworn they didn’t do it.”

Sturges laughed. “Oh, come on! Are you getting soft?”

Granger smiled. “Not on your life.”

Continued Next Tuesday

Tales of the Dim Knight is available in Paperback form, in the Kindle Store, as well as on Smashwords in a variety of formats. At both sites, you can get extensive free excerpts on your computer, or sent directly to your Kindle device from the Kindle store.

The Emerald Avenger v. the Corruptibles, Part Thirteen

Continued from Part Thirteen

While patrolling a ritzy French poodle sorta neighborhood with Officer Gordon, Officer Wilson gripped the steering wheel with white knuckles. Those detectives tore his place a part. He shot a quick glance at Gordon. “The state police searched your place, too?”

“Yeah. I don’t get it.”

“Come on, you know how detectives think. We’re their prime suspects.”

“We’ve got nothing to worry about. We didn’t do it.”

Flashing blue lights appeared in the rearview mirror. Wilson gritted his teeth and pulled over to the side of road. Two Washington State policemen approached their car.

Wilson rolled down the window. “Is there a problem, officer?”

The shorter of the two leaned in his window. “Are you Officer Track Wilson?”

Wilson nodded. “What can I do for you?”

The tall state policeman waved at Wilson’s partner. “And you are Officer Randy Gordon?”

“Yes,” said Officer Gordon, his eyes darting.

“Please step out of the vehicle.”

Gordon and Wilson got out of their patrol car. The short state policeman said, “Hands behind your back.”

Wilson’s head spun as he and Gordon complied. “What’s going on?”

Metal slapped around his wrists. The tall state policeman pulled a card with the Miranda rights on it from his pocket. “Officer Track Wilson, you are under arrest for arson and insurance fraud. You have the right to remain silent . . . ”

An elderly passerby in a leather trench coat stopped the elderly matron on his arm and gaped at the officers. “Honey, I think I’ve seen everything now.”

Continued Next Tuesday

Tales of the Dim Knight is available in Paperback form, in the Kindle Store, as well as on Smashwords in a variety of formats. At both sites, you can get extensive free excerpts on your computer, or sent directly to your Kindle device from the Kindle store.

The Emerald Avenger v. the Corruptibles, Part Twelve

Continued from Part Eleven

Wilson caught up to Gordon’s car after the hill up to their driveway. The cabin appeared through the evergreen forest.  Gordon cursed. It’s on fire!

He screeched to a halt two feet behind Gordon’s break lights. Both jumped out and ran towards the water pump. Wilson turned on the faucet. Gordon picked up the attached garden hose and sprayed in vain at the flames. Wilson flipped out his cell phone to call the Fire Department, but fire trucks pulled up. The fire chief jumped off his truck and shoved Gordon away from the garden hose. “Out of the way.”

The firefighters turned their hoses on the cabin, but a spark lit up a pine tree. Within seconds, the flames spread across the dry, overgrown forest.

“Chief!” screamed one of the firefighters.

The chief looked up and whistled. “I’ll be.”

Wilson followed the chief’s gaze. Powerhouse’s ghost flew overhead, carrying a school bus filled with water, which Powerhouse poured onto the fire. Smoke and steam billowed up as the fire sizzled out. Gordon groaned. The water would destroy everything not already ash or tainted with smoke.

The firemen jumped in the air and threw their hats up, cheering. Powerhouse landed on the ground. Wilson glared at him. “I thought you were dead.”

“Not quite. I’m only semi-retired.”

The chief rushed forward and shook Powerjerk’s hand. “Come to the Volunteer Firefighter Barbeque anytime, Powerhouse. You just saved a lot of trees and homes.”

“I would’ve done it sooner, but it’s hard to find an abandoned school bus and even harder to get it full of water. In fact, I ended up cheating. But my work here is done. Powerhouse away!”

Continued Next Tuesday

Tales of the Dim Knight is available in Paperback form, in the Kindle Store, as well as on Smashwords in a variety of formats. At both sites, you can get extensive free excerpts on your computer, or sent directly to your Kindle device from the Kindle store.

The Great Search, Part Thirteen

Continued from Part Twelve

Thirty miles outside Boston, Com-mander Jr. stopped his rented Toyota Prius by a gated cottage. A black sedan parked behind him.

Cardin and Jaden of the Supernatural Intelligence Bureau got out of the sedan and came around to Junior’s window.

Junior asked, “What are you doing here?”

“We discovered who the landscaping man was and traced the payment to this address. Got a search warrant.”

“Well, let’s go in.”

Agent Jaden broke the lock on the fence and opened the gate. Junior drove in. The agents soon followed in their car.

Cardin got out of his car, walked to the door, and knocked. “Federal Agents, open up!” He waited a second and kicked open the door.

Pine-sol’s original scent saturated the carpet. Dentations marked where the furni-ture had been.

Jaden entered also and walked into the kitchen. “There’s food in the refrigerator.”

Junior checked out the back through a window. “There’s a garage out back.”

They walked out to the large detached garage. Cardin opened the garage door. Dozens of electrical outlets spotted the walls.

Cardin looked around. “This is about the configuration at Dr. Squall’s place.”

Junior walked to a torn scrap of purple cloth at the edge of the garage. He picked the purple scrap up. “Cardin, I think I found something.”

Cardin took a look. “This is part of Dark Mystic’s cloak. He must have torn it.”

Junior raised an eyebrow. “Dark Mys-tic was here?”

“Yeah, and take a look at the wall, looks like there was a small explosion.”

Jaden said, “That would explain the bloody bandages in the trash. Somebody’s been treated for some pretty bad wounds.”

“We’ll have to call in the FBI. They’ll want to test these, and to issue a warrant for Robert Markum for aiding and abetting.”

Junior smirked. “I’ll rest reassured knowing the bureaucracy’s on the case.”

“Young man, law and order may be a little slow for the McDonald’s generation, but we’re doing the best we can.”

“That may be, but we’re no closer to finding Commander Justice and the others.”

Continued Next Monday.

Be sure to check out Tales of the Dim Knight now available from Splashdown books.

The Emerald Avenger v. the Corruptibles, Part Eleven

Officer Gordon pressed the play button on his answering machine on Saturday Morning. His partner’s voice poured out. “Hey, Randy, it’s Jack. Meet me at the cabin.”

Gordon groaned. “I hope this is important.”



Officer Wilson called his voice mail on his cell phone.

After the usual rigmarole, Gordon said, “Jack, come down to the cabin.”

Wilson got up. “I guess I’ll head out.”



Hovering over Gordon and Wilson’s cabin in the Avenging Eagle, the Emerald Avenger pressed a button and sprayed gasoline all over the premises. He descended a rope ladder to the ground, pried the door open with a crowbar, and proceeded to pour gas over everything inside.

At a large chest in the second bedroom, he stopped short. Upon opening it, the Emerald Avenger gasped, his eyes widening. “Comic books!”

He shifted through them. Wow, these were worth thousands. They even had a first issue of Spider-man and the first issue of Detective Comics featuring Batman. And since they’d think these were destroyed, he could add—he slapped his left hand. “You’re a superhero, you can’t keep the comic books.” He also couldn’t let them be destroyed.

The Emerald Avenger grabbed the chest, broke the glass in the windows, and jumped out. He climbed into the Avenging Eagle and turned on stealth mode. Though miles from any neighbors, he couldn’t risk being seen by the soon-arriving officers and the fire depart-ment.

He threw a match at the cabin. The match landed several feet away. He threw another and had the same result. Should’ve doused the walkway. Too late now; he’d used all the gas he could spare.

The Avenging Eagle hovered about four feet off the ground. He threw a match while pulling the thrusters back as far as they’d go.

The Eagle shot away like a bullet as the gasoline vapors caught fire. In his rearview mirror, the cabin exploded in the blaze.

Tales of the Dim Knight is available in Paperback form, in the Kindle Store, as well as on Smashwords in a variety of formats. At both sites, you can get extensive free excerpts on your computer, or sent directly to your Kindle device from the Kindle store.

The Emerald Avenger v. the Corruptibles, Part Ten

Continued from Part Nine

The Emerald Avenger held up the com-plete list of all the corrupt officers. Strange, he thought he’d find more than sixty. Over ninety-five percent of the cops were on the up and up.

Zolgron smiled. “There, now was that so hard? It only took three weeks.”

“Okay, now I know so I can, um . . . . What am I supposed to do with all this?”

“First, delete the non-corrupt profiles; it’ll allow you to think clearer.”

The Emerald Avenger closed his eyes and envisioned tossing the good cops’ financial records in a trash can. He struck an imaginary match and lit the fantasy trash can on fire. His headache fled, like he’d taken off a five ton hat. “Oh, what a rush.”

He searched through the sixty remaining profiles. “Let’s start with Gordon and Wilson. They allowed themselves to be knocked out so that Marco could kill the Reverend Jones.”

Zolgron smiled. “They’re splitting be-tween them the mortgage payment on a fish-ing cabin, a couple hours from here. We could use that.”

The Emerald Avenger whistled. “Hey, you’re right. If we can’t get them for the crime they did commit, maybe we can get them for one they didn’t commit.”

Continued Next Tuesday.

Tales of the Dim Knight is set for book Release November 22nd,  a sample e-book including the first four chapters is available for your reading pleasure. You can follow our hero on Twitter @dimknight

The Emerald Avenger v. the Corruptibles, Part Eight

Continued from Part Seven

The Emerald Avenger stood in the server room of City Hall, blending perfectly into his surroundings. Slipping past security had been easy, but how would he enter the computer? He couldn’t just sit in a catatonic state for an hour. Maybe he could fly inside. He focused on the computer, imagining himself shrinking and going through the screen. 

He found himself standing outside a toll road with Zolgron by his side. Glistening circuitry surrounded him.

A guard put a hand out. “Stop! You can’t enter without a user name and password.”

Zolgron stared at the guard. “Stand aside.”

The guard stood aside, and they entered. The Emerald Avenger grinned. Wow. So great was Zolgron’s control, no password protec-tion could stand in his way.

The Emerald Avenger gaped as Zolgron navigated the confusing mess of streets inside the city of circuitry. After about ten minutes, Zolgron handed a thick stack of spreadsheets to the Emerald Avenger. “Eat this.”

“What is it?”

“A list of all the police officers, judges, and prosecutors within the city and their bank accounts, divided up by who their direct de-posits went to in nice neat databases. Now eat it.”

“No. That’s gross.”

Zolgron grabbed a fist full of the Emerald Avenger’s hair, and shoved the spreadsheets down his throat. His knees buckled from the pressure of the data stream.

The Emerald Avenger asked, “How did I eat a spreadsheet?”

Zolgron smiled. “All you’re seeing is a physical representation of what’s going right to your brain.”

The Avenging Eagle appeared next to them. Zolgron led them inside and punched an address into the navigator. “This bank has twelve accounts we need to investigate.”

“Investigate how?”

“By digging through their banking his-tories for years back, looking for patterns.”

The Emerald Avenger groaned. Super-heroes on TV had sidekicks or high powered computers to handle stuff this boring.

On the third officer, the Emerald Avenger whistled at a $9,000 check deposited the week before. Pay dirt. He pulled up the electronic copy of the check. His face fell. “Darn, just a cashed in life insurance policy.”

In the Avenging Eagle afterwards, the Emerald Avenger yawned. All this effort, only for all twelve police officers to come out clean. “Now what?”

“Your energy reserves are depleted. Re-charge them.”

Mild mannered janitor Dave Johnson tumbled across his basement floor and col-lided with the washing machine. Rubbing his head, he dragged himself to his feet, and blinked at his computer through the iron cur-tains passing for his eyelids. Strange. He’d not really needed that much sleep since he got his powers.

He stumbled three steps and crashed on-to his duct-tape patched brown leather couch. Naomi would be mad in the morning, but Mount Everest would be an easier climb than the stairs.

Continued Next Tuesday.

Tales of the Dim Knight is set for book Release November 22nd,  a sample e-book including the first four chapters is available for your reading pleasure. You can follow our hero on Twitter @dimknight

The Emerald Avenger v. the Corruptibles, Part Seven

Dave yawned and peered at the clock on his computer. Twelve fifteen pm? Two hours had passed? He peered at Zolgron. “What happened?”

“I absorbed all the information in your database. “

“You took everything off the Internet? But that’d take forever.”

“I skipped most of the video, audio, and the half of the database dedicated to your species’ bizarre sexual obsessions. But I know how we can get the corrupt police officers. The City of Seattle offers direct deposit to their employees, which means they have their employees’ checking account numbers in a database.”

“Great, but what does that mean?”

“If you obtain the database, you’ll have their checking account numbers, and if you break into their banks’ databases, you can find out what’s going into their accounts.”

“Okay, so if we can get into several sen-sitive databases, we’ll learn what?”

Zolgron shook his head. “Which police officers have had unusually high deposits into their accounts.”

“I see, kinda.” Sorta. Not really.

“Just trust me. What other choice do you have?”

Continued Next Tuesday.

Tales of the Dim Knight is set for book Release November 22nd,  a sample e-book including the first four chapters is available for your reading pleasure. You can follow our hero on Twitter @dimknight