While patrolling a ritzy French poodle sorta neighborhood with Officer Gordon, Officer Wilson gripped the steering wheel with white knuckles. Those detectives tore his place a part. He shot a quick glance at Gordon. “The state police searched your place, too?”
“Yeah. I don’t get it.”
“Come on, you know how detectives think. We’re their prime suspects.”
“We’ve got nothing to worry about. We didn’t do it.”
Flashing blue lights appeared in the rearview mirror. Wilson gritted his teeth and pulled over to the side of road. Two Washington State policemen approached their car.
Wilson rolled down the window. “Is there a problem, officer?”
The shorter of the two leaned in his window. “Are you Officer Track Wilson?”
Wilson nodded. “What can I do for you?”
The tall state policeman waved at Wilson’s partner. “And you are Officer Randy Gordon?”
“Yes,” said Officer Gordon, his eyes darting.
“Please step out of the vehicle.”
Gordon and Wilson got out of their patrol car. The short state policeman said, “Hands behind your back.”
Wilson’s head spun as he and Gordon complied. “What’s going on?”
Metal slapped around his wrists. The tall state policeman pulled a card with the Miranda rights on it from his pocket. “Officer Track Wilson, you are under arrest for arson and insurance fraud. You have the right to remain silent . . . ”
An elderly passerby in a leather trench coat stopped the elderly matron on his arm and gaped at the officers. “Honey, I think I’ve seen everything now.”
Continued Next Tuesday
Tales of the Dim Knight is available in Paperback form, in the Kindle Store, as well as on Smashwords in a variety of formats. At both sites, you can get extensive free excerpts on your computer, or sent directly to your Kindle device from the Kindle store.