Our last two whistle stops on the blog tour have come:
Becky at By the Book thought that Tales of the Dim Knight was perfect for the twenty somethings she knew. Amy at 160 Acre Woods calls it “Super Grover” for grown ups.
And with that our blog tour comes to an end. Thank you to everyone who participated. It’s been fun. Below is a final list of the blog who came through and participated:
3/27 David James
4/3 Phyllis Wheeler
4/4 Noah Arsenault
4/4 Sarah Sawyer
4/5 Tammy Shelnut
4/6 Timothy Hicks
4/7 Joan Nienhuis
4/8 Carol E. Keen
4/9 April Erwin
4/11 Morgan L. Busse
4/15 Chawna Schroeder
4/22 Frank Creed
4/28 Beckie Burnham
5/3 Amy Deanne