The Emerald Avenger v. the Corruptibles, Part Twenty-Four

Continued from Part Twenty-Three

Downtown, Marco read the headline and cursed. “Welch ain’t that stupid.”

His right hand man, Whitaker, peered at him through grandma glasses that went well with the secretary gray trousers. “Then what happened?”

“The Emerald Avenger. He’s framed him, and I’ll bet you anything he framed those cops that were fingered for arson also.”

“How you gonna prove it?”

“I’m not. I ain’t Dick Tracy. The organization is suffering for my sin. Somehow or another, I have to end this. I’m gonna draw him out and take him down.”

“Boss, I’ll get some of the boys—”

“No, I’m going alone.” Marco got up and grabbed his coat. “Whit, if you don’t see me again, it’s been good knowing you.”

Continued Next Tuesday

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