Jirel entered the base psychology of-fice and saluted Dr. Boulet as his higher-ranking officer.
She returned salute. “Sergeant, what can I do for you?”
“Has Captain Greywolf been by?”
“No. She passed me in the hall, but said nothing. At work, most abusers main-tain a façade of professionalism.”
Greywolf wasn’t most abusers. If she hadn’t said something, then she’d do some-thing. “Thank you for your time, Doctor.”
Jirel ducked out into the hall, pulled out his cell, and dialed underworld boss Nick Verducci.
“Hey, Sarge. How’s it been?”
The miracles of caller ID. “Quick question on a problem on my hands. Tell me, how would you kill someone if you wanted to make it look like an accident?”
Continued…Next Thursday
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