Category Archives: Tales of the Dim Knight

Origin of the Emerald Avenger, Part Seven

Continued from Part Six

Jimmy Olsen lay between two gar-bage cans in the alley. It felt like an elephant on fire was sitting on his chest. Night Lord’s gang scattered. Distant sirens grew ever fainter.

The eleven-year-old choked on his own blood, tears filling his eyes and fear pouring out along with his life.

Powerhouse. Powerhouse, where were you? You promised to protect me. Power-house, help me. I could really use a super-hero right now. I’m going to die. I’m scared. Please, Powerhouse, you could have stop-ped them. Help, somebody save me!

A Middle Eastern man in a shining white robe walked up, his sandals going clipety-clip on the pavement.

Jimmy whimpered, “Powerhouse?”

His hero scooped him up, holding him in his arms like he was still a baby. The pain left like a bad dream.

Jimmy spotted the ugly scar on his hero’s wrist and gasped—he knew this Man!

Tears engulfed his hero’s cheeks. “Let’s go home, son.”

Continued Next Tuesday

Tales of the Dim Knight is coming out as book later this Summer

Origin of the Emerald Avenger, Part Six

Continued from Part Five

In the garage at two a.m. Naomi stood waiting for Dave, waving a letter. “You’re not going to believe this. First someone pays off my student loan, and now our credit card has been paid off.”

Dave squirmed. He won every match,  but it’d freak Naomi out that he’d replaced comics with Ultimate Fighting. But that meant keeping his earnings a secret. “That is strange. Who do you think sent the payment?”

Naomi shook her head. “Both com-panies couldn’t say.”


Dave burst in his sons’ room. Sat-urdays were now family time, but the boys found this hard to adjust to. “Wakey, wakey!”

Derrick moaned, but at least he got up. James continued to snore.

Adolescents. Dave poked the male sleeping beauty. “Is he in a coma? Might have to use electroshock to awaken him.”

James groaned.

“Come on, we’re going to spend time together as a family.”

“Can’t we go back to being room-mates?”

“Nope. Up and at ‘em.”

Dave elbowed his eleven-year-old. “Oh, come on, James. Admit it. You loved the horseback riding.”

James grunted and grabbed another tuna fish sandwich from the picnic basket.

With a mouth full of tuna, Derrick said, “I loved it, Dad!”

Naomi mussed his hair. “Don’t talk with your mouth full, mister.”

His sons inhaled two more sand-wiches. Derrick ran to the nearby play-ground. Dave glanced to James. “Go with him, scout.”

James rose and sauntered after his baby brother with the gait of an adolescent too cool to admit he wasn’t yet too old to enjoy a good jungle gym.

Dave held his wife in his arms and fed her grapes one by one. He smiled and stared deep into his wife’s eyes.

Powerhouse and the people he knew in Seattle seemed a million miles away.

Continued Next Tuesday

Tales of the Dim Knight is coming out as book later this Summer

Origin of the Emerald Avenger, Part Five

Continued from Part Four

Naomi stepped out of her station wagon at Leona Campbell’s store front law office. She wrinkled her nose at the sign—Divorces R Us. Ugh. Most lawyers hated to handle a divorce or anything related to one. Leona had a near monopoly among women in the city. Naomi pushed through the door. It chimed.

Leona stood shelving law books with her paralegal. Both women smiled at Naomi. 

Leona waved. “Naomi! Come on in, I’ve been waiting for you. Take a seat.”

Naomi sat in a chair that belonged in the Amazon. Leona slid into the next seat. “Let’s get those papers finalized. Are you ready to move your belongings tonight?”

“That’s what I wanted to talk about. I’m not going ahead with the divorce.”

Leona stared like she’d said she wanted to boil Derrick for dinner. “Oh, God, tell me you’re not serious, Naomi.”

“Dave’s being so kind. He’s a good man at heart.”

“Good men belong beside Santa Claus. Divorce is a woman’s ultimate liberation. It was the best thing I ever did. Marriage itself is slavery for women. You’ve slaved for him all these years. He’s nice for a few days, and you’re going to lose your resolve.”

“I have to think about the kids, and I do love him.”

“Kids don’t need fathers. I only had my mother and look how I turned out.”

That wasn’t a selling point.

Leona sniffed. “And what’s love? I love my cats more than I loved my ex-husband.”

That would explain some things. “I want to give it another shot.”

“Have it your way. When you’re ready, I’ll be here to show you the path to freedom.”

“Thanks.” Naomi left. Hopefully, she’d never have to come back.

Continued Next Tuesday

Tales of the Dim Knight is coming out as book later this Summer

Origin of the Emerald Avenger, Part Four

Continued from Part Three

After work, Dave found Naomi in their bed, engrossed in the TV.

He stripped off his coveralls. “Say, you want to go out to eat?”

She jumped. “What are you doing here?”

“I finished early.”

“Six hours early?”

“I worked ahead. Wanna go, or not?”

“I’m not really hungry; I just ate.”

“What about a movie?”


Dave drove to a park he and Naomi had visited a lot back when they were dating. He scanned the area for their tree. “This way.”

At the old maple, Naomi peered up at him. “What’s this?”

Dave pulled out a flashlight and shined a light on the tree. Engraved in a heart where the letters DJ + NH.

Naomi gasped. “Dave, you were—”


“How did you remember?”

“I never forgot it. Other things just came up. But I’ll take care of you first from now on. Things will be different.”

“I believe you.” Naomi threw her arms around Dave and drew him into the suc-culent sweetness of her lips.

“So, same time tomorrow night?”

“Um, even if you can get finished early all the time, you shouldn’t take the risk of one of the guys from the base seeing you in town. You should try and get a day job.”

“No one hires a janitor to work days. I’d have to go back to school, which would mean even more time away from you.”

“You’ll come up with something.” She kissed him. “I love you.”

He smiled. “I love you, too.”

Continued next Thursday

Tales of the Dim Knight will be coming soon as a new novel released by Splashdown books

The Origin of the Emerald Avenger, Part Three

Continued from Part Two

Dave patted the earth around his new date palm and arched his back. With his super powers, he didn’t really hurt, but a normal person would be sore after a day of planting eight exotic trees in his front yard.

The school bus screeched to a halt. James rumbled off it. Dave called, “So, what do you think of the trees?”

James looked up. “Oh, nice.” He walked inside the house.

Derrick came up next. “Hey, Dad! Let’s go play superheroes.”

“Um, can we play something else?”

Derrick gasped. “But you always want to play superheroes.”

“I’m tired of superheroes. Let’s play baseball.”

An hour later, Naomi pulled into the drive where Dave and Derrick were throwing the ball around. She gaped. “Dave, what have you done to the yard?”

He beamed. “You like it?”

“Yeah, where did you get these trees?”

“Um, a friend gave them to me.”

“Some of these only grow natively in the south pacific.”

“He’s a good friend.”

“Who is he?”

“Um, Powerhouse. That was for helping him with the car thieves.”

“Oh, well, you should tell Powerhouse that a palm tree won’t survive a Washington state winter.”

“I’ll mention it.” Dave turned to Derrick. “Let’s pack it in, Son.”

Inside, Dave presented Naomi with the banquet of native Hawaiian flowers.

She burst into tears.

Oops. Was she allergic? “You’ll have to eat without me, but I brought home pineapple that we can share.”

Naomi got the pineapple out, cut it up, and joined Dave at the breakfast nook.

She took a bite and gasped. “Oh, Dave, this is delicious. I haven’t had a pineapple this good since we had a fresh one when we went to Hawaii. Where’d you get it?”

“I gotta get to work.” Dave escaped to the garage.

Continued…Next Tuesday

Subscribe to Laser & Sword by Email to get the next part and all the rest of our free offerings delivered to you. To find out what happens sooner, visit the Laser and Sword Online store and download  Issue 1 for free or purchase the Annual Editioncontaining 11 action packed stories

The Origin of the Emerald Avenger, Part Two

Continued from Part One

Digging into his pancake breakfast, Dave beamed at the stars in his wife’s eyes. Nothing like good ol’ Mickey D’s to impress a woman.

Naomi swallowed a bite of hash browns. “I got another award from the division.”

Dave blinked. “You got an award from the division before?”

“You’re never around long enough to tell you these things.”

“Oh, sorry. Life’s been crazy, but things are going to change.”

“I hope so; thanks for breakfast.”

At home, Dave found his kids’ dishes in the sink. They’d eaten, all right: leftover pizza and root beer.

Dave went outside and shook his head at the shin-high grass. He glanced around at the neighbors’ lawns. They made his look like the scrap heap at work.

The neighborhood was silent. No one was around to get nervous and call the police, so he used his superpowers to cut the grass and pull all the weeds. His lawn was now neat and trim, but it was also boring.

“Hmm. This looks like a job for Powerhouse.”

Continued…Next Tuesday

Subscribe to Laser & Sword by Email to get the next part and all the rest of our free offerings delivered to you. To find out what happens sooner, visit the Laser and Sword Online store and download  Issue 1 for free or purchase the Annual Editioncontaining 11 action packed stories

The Origin of the Emerald Avenger, Part One

A burning bacon odor awoke Naomi Johnson. She ran downstairs to the kit-chen. Her jaw fell open—Dave, at the stove? “What are you doing?”

He turned to face her with a boyish grin. “Making breakfast.”

“Thanks, but it smells likes it’s burning.”

“Oops, sorry.” He turned off the bur-ner. “How about we all go out for break-fast?”

“The kids have school.”

“Oh. Then how about you and I go out to breakfast?”

“Who’ll get the kids up?”

“One moment.” Dave ran upstairs. A loud beeping noise came from her sons’ room.

 Dave jogged back. “They’re up and can make their own breakfast. There’s plenty of cereal in the house.”

Was she dreaming? It’d been a decade at least since Dave had tried to fix breakfast and well over a year since he’d invited her out. “Okay, we’ll go.”

Continued…Next Tuesday

Subscribe to Laser & Sword by Email to get the next part and all the rest of our free offerings delivered to you. To find out what happens sooner, visit the Laser and Sword Online store and download  Issue 1 for free or purchase the Annual Editioncontaining 11 action packed stories

Powerhouse Carries On, Part Eleven

Continued from Part Ten

“Breaking News” flashed on the TV.

Night Lord smiled.

The news anchor said, “Good evening, we have a development in the story of Powerhouse, the mystery man fighting crime in our community. We go live to John Markey at the University Hospital.”

Markey stood in the parking lot out-side the hospital. “Thank you, Karen. According to sources at the Police Depart-ment, Powerhouse was rushed to the hos-pital in critical condition due to a gunshot wound. Details are sketchy at this hour.”

Night Lord hit the power button on the remote. He went to the wine cabinet, poured himself a glass of sherry, and raised it high. “Here’s to me, the slayer of superheroes.”



“I’m a medical professional and can be trusted to keep information confi-dential,” the doctor said.

Powerhouse shook his head. “Your life would be endangered.”

A green humanoid in a cape ap-peared before him. Powerhouse blinked. “Zolgron?”

Zolgron nodded. “Only you can see me. One of your powers is super fast healing, but that won’t help you any if she doesn’t remove those bullets. You can change your face so it won’t look like you, but you do have to take off the helmet.”

“Why didn’t I think of that?”

Zolgron smirked and faded away.

Powerhouse changed his face. “You can remove the mask.”

The doctor took it off. “Brad Pitt! I’m removing bullets from Brad Pitt’s neck. Oh, I could just die!”

“So could I, if you don’t hurry.”

“Oh, sorry.”

The doctor removed the bullets from his neck. By the time she had finished dressing the wound, Powerhouse felt much better.

She said, “Okay, put your mask back on, and we’ll get you into a room.”

“I’m feeling much better.”

“But it’s only been a couple hours since you were shot.”

“And how many superheroes have you treated?”


“Trust me, I’m fine.” Powerhouse got up.

The doctor squealed. “I can’t wait to tell everybody I treated Brad Pitt!”

Powerhouse laughed. “‘I’m a medical professional and can be trusted to keep this information confidential.’ Ha! I’m not really Brad Pitt! I can change my face to look like any face I want.”

“Ooh, could you do Will Smith?”

“Sure.”  He morphed his face to appear like Will Smith’s.

“Oh my gosh,” said the doctor. “This is great. What about Bill Clinton?”

His face morphed again, but seemed to stop far too soon.

The doctor wrinkled her nose. “Oh gross. I know they say that Clinton was the first black president, but come on!”

Zolgron said, “You can only do that twice before it sticks in between. And it won’t be able to change back for four hours.”

Powerhouse sighed. Now you tell me.

“Sorry, ma’am.” He put on his helmet and flew out the back entrance of the hospital, avoiding the press out front.

Weakness stole over him. No way could he fly all the way home without some rest. He mentally exchanged his superhero gear for Dave Johnson’s clothes, stopped at a bus depot, and bought a ticket to his hometown on the last bus leaving Seattle. Once aboard the bus, Dave closed his eyes to visit Zolgron.

Zolgron smiled. “You’ll be as good as new soon. You had me worried there for a minute.”

Dave frowned. “I could have died.”

“But you didn’t.”

“How many of your friends have died?”

“If you mean my hosts, all of them. With one exception, the longest I’ve had one host is six months.”

“Six months! Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It didn’t seem important.”

“I don’t want to die, Zolgron.”

“All mortal species must die even-tually. Be careful, and you may set a record.”

“I’ll be careful, all right. Powerhouse will never fight again.”

Zolgron scowled. “You can’t be serious.”

“I want to see my kids graduate from high school and college. I don’t want to die fighting some drug dealer.”

“You coward!”

“I’m alive, that’s what matters. I’ll take care of my family. I won’t die on them.”

“But you’ve made promises. How can you break your word?”

A black boy James’ age flashed before him. “Don’t judge me, Zolgron! He’s not even the real Jimmy Olsen.”

“You can’t seriously mean that.”

“Do I? Let me just say you’ll have a good sixty years to figure out the meaning of life, or whatever it is you’re supposed to learn.”

At home that night, Dave crept into the boys’ room and kissed their sweet angel faces before lumbering into his own room. Naomi lay in the bed, her chest rising and falling at a steady rhythm.

Dave slipped in beside her, placed his arms around her, and stroked her cheek. “Don’t you worry, Naomi. From now on, things will be different, I promise. Powerhouse is dead; long live Dave Johnson.”

Continued…Next Tuesday

Subscribe to Laser & Sword by Email to get the next part and all the rest of our free offerings delivered to you. To find out what happens sooner, visit the Laser and Sword Online store and download  Issue 1 for free or purchase the Annual Editioncontaining 11 action packed stories

Powerhouse Carries on, Part Nine

Continued from Part Eight

Powerhouse mopped up the church-yard basketball court with Jimmy Olsen, Kenny Chung, and Tim Hernandez.

Kenny pulled him aside. “I need help with my homework.” Kenny pulled out a math book. “There are a couple things I don’t get.”

“Let me see.” Powerhouse sat on the blacktop and stared down at the first math problem on the page: x+8=6x-2. “This is a challenge. Um, X equals 2.”

Jeff put two in for X. “Wow, X does equal 2. How’d you know that?”

“X is always equal to 2. Remember that, and you’ll be fine.”

“So what about this?”

Powerhouse peered at the next problem: x+3=7. “X equals 2.”

“That doesn’t work.”

“All I know is x equals 2.”


“Go play basketball.”

Tim ran over to Powerhouse.

Powerhouse asked, “You don’t have trigonometry, do you?”

Tim shook his head.  “Nah, some guys at school are trying to get me to use drugs with them. Could you pray for me?”

“Sure. God, help Tim. Amen.”

“That’s it?”

“Should I say something else?”

“I guess not.” Tim returned to the game.

Jimmy walked over.

Powerhouse asked, “So, how are you doing?”

 “Okay, I guess. The only thing is it’s kinda scary walking home at night. You never know what’s out there.”

“Don’t worry, Jimmy. Powerhouse is on the job. I’ll clean up the streets.”

Jimmy smiled. “You got super-powers, so you could actually do it.”

“I could and I will. I’ve got super hearing just like Superman, Jimmy. You ever get into trouble, call my name, and I’ll come and save you.” Powerhouse turned to the other boys. “I have to be going.”


After Powerhouse left, Tim looked at the other two boys. “I really miss the pastor.”

The others nodded, biting back tears.

 Jimmy bit his lip. He missed the pastor, too, but maybe Powerhouse could actually do something, rather than just praying about it like Reverend Jones had.

Continued…Next Tuesday

Subscribe to Laser & Sword by Email to get the next part and all the rest of our free offerings delivered to you. To find out what happens sooner, visit the Laser and Sword Online store and download  Issue 1 for free or purchase the Annual Editioncontaining 11 action packed stories

Powerhouse Carries On, Part Eight

Continued from Part Seven

Father Raphael lay on his bunk. He was ready to die if he had to, but he so hated to leave this world with so much work left undone. “God in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, Lord, but deliver me from this evil place.”

Two Englishmen burst into his cell. One grabbed his hand. “Quick, this way.”

They escaped the compound undetect-ed and drove through Communist China until they arrived at a cottage in one of the villages.

“You should be safe here,” said the man called Denny.

They lead him inside a bamboo hut.

Denny’s friend said, “Thanks to our benefactor, you can use this house. Here are new identity papers. In addition, you have plenty to live on and support your mission.”

“Thank you. I shall work as long as God gives me strength.”


“He’s as secure as a bug in a rug. We did a good thing, I’d say.”

“Good work, Denny. I’ll have the money transferred tomorrow. Later.”

Marcos hung up the payphone.

He sighed. “Why don’t I feel any better?”

Continued…Next Tuesday

Subscribe to Laser & Sword by Email to get the next part and all the rest of our free offerings delivered to you. To find out what happens sooner, visit the Laser and Sword Online store and download  Issue 1 for free or purchase the Annual Editioncontaining 11 action packed stories